Investing in the region’s varieties

Gentle Window 2 project came about after António bought his first estate, with 6 hectares, planted exclusively with the Loureiro variety, considered the local variety of excellence, very rich and appreciated for its floral aroma and which produces elegant and refreshing wines.

António, a radiologist doctor with a degree from the University of Porto, together with his wife Alisa, who has a degree in Economics from the Kharkiv Institute, took a post-graduate course in sommelier, where they acquired technical knowledge in wine tasting and making tasting notes.

They buy a second estate, with the perspective of growing the project and start winemaking only with the grapes they produce (estate winery).

Sustainability always present

Strengthened by their knowledge of Minho’s potential as a winegrowing region, António and Alisa focus on getting the most out of their vineyards’ terroir in their wines. They invest in the biodiversity of the places where the estates are located, in producing grapes based on less interventionist practices, with limited production and respect for the natural biology of the plants.

They gained experience with the variety Loureiro, acquiring increasingly in-depth knowledge so that they could have control over the vineyards, despite the technical advice of consultant agronomists and winemakers always present. In 2023, the first Alvarinho plot is planted with 1.2 hectares.